For more information on or questions about Mallards corporate partnership opportunities, email or call us at (309) 277-1364!
On the ice. That's where the attention of thousands of fans is focused throughout each and every Mallards home game. Put your message where it is impossible to miss. Ice logos are the top of the line in hockey advertising.
The exposure of ice logos is not limited to only Mallards games. Your logos will also be viewed by thousands of additional fans each winter when the i wireless Center becomes one of the busiest attractions in the Quad Cities hosting ice rentals, recreational hockey, figure skating, skating parties and more.
Best of all, every time Mallards hockey shows up on local television news coverage, in newspaper photographs and other areas of wide public exposure, your logos will be right there in constant teamwork with the Mallards making sure your current and future customers are always aware of your business.
Dasher boards are the single most requested inventory item offered in any professional hockey market. So often, people who attend games with their businesses see the exposure provided by dasher boards and decide they need to have one too.
Dasher boards are the most traditional and visible advertising medium offered by the Mallards. The focus of thousands of fans stays on your board throughout the two-and-a-half hour Mallards game. Dasher board ads have the quintessntial "captive audience."
Your dasher board advertising package includes all production, maintenance and cleaning costs associated with the board and a Mallards ticket package that gives you the chance to show off your new dasher to employees, customers, clients and friends.
There is no location in the i wireless Center more closely watched during a Mallards game than the players' benches. Advertisements in these prime locations are available behind both the Mallards' bench and the adjacent visitors' bench.
Your package includes all production and costs associated with putting your message in these prime locations. You also receive a ticket package that can be used to "show off" your message to potential clients and customers.
Mallards radio broadcasts allow advertisers to reach fans when the team is at home or on the road. The live broadcast is also piped through the i wireless Center during home games for fans in the concourse, hallways, restrooms and luxury suites. Mallards hockey on the radio is a Quad Cities tradition, coming to life every time broadcaster Brian Lavelle addresses the hosts of fans who tune in to follow all of the action all season long.
Mallards hockey is live at least 66 times during the regular season and through the playoffs- which are included for radio advertisers at no additional charge. Change your spots as often as you like by providing traffic instructions to the Mallards' office. All spots also run during internet simulcasts of radio broadcasts to fans literally all over the world listening at
Radio advertising opportunities include:
-intermission show title sponsorship
-pregame show title sponsorship
-postgame show title sponsorship
-in-game spots
-in-game live reads
Mallard games give corporate partners access to every advertiser's dream: a captive audience of loyal and qualified consumers. Where else can you find so many potential customers focused on one and only one message?
Public address announcements give you the undivided attention of hundreds of thousands of potential customers throughout the course of the regular season and playoffs. Whether you use your announcements to promote your business in a general way or specifically for an upcoming event, P.A. announcements offer a flexible vehicle for your message.
P.A. announcements are changeable from game to game and are even more powerful when coupled with an on-ice or in-crowd event. You can even attach your name to significant events like goals, power plays, penalty kills, hat tricks and more. The possibilities are endless.
P.A. announcements begin ten minutes prior to the start of each game and continue through the conclusion of every contest.
Like everything the Mallards do, the team's official internet home,, is a fan-interactive experience.
Website advertising opportunities go far beyond just the standard banner ad. The Mallards offer a variety of unique and innovative online promotional opportunities. Some of this exciting content is determined by you with contests, games and promotions tailored to your advertising objectives.
In addition to networking with thousands of Mallards fans via email, corporate partners are offered the chance to participate in online events like trivia contests and listen/watch-to-win games and features like online polls for Mallard fan favorites and fan surveys.
Standard web site advertising such as banner ads, email captures and click-through links are also available to online partners. Imagine linking the best source of Mallards information with the best source of information for you business!
Online advertising opportunities include:
-Mallard email blast title sponsorship
-Main page banner ad with hot link
-Logo link/click through
-and more!
Concourse and lobby booths and displays in the i wireless Center during Mallards home games give you the chance to make a superb first impression and grab the attention of thousands of potential customers- and you can do it before they even take their first bite of popcorn or sip of their favorite beverage.
Promote your business, product or services with a trade show-style booth or display designed to capture customer information and sales leads. Or tie in to a Mallards feature such as interactive contests, the Mallards' fan information booth or contest registration areas. You can even sponsor an interactive game or contest like "Slapshot Shoot-off," "Putt for Dough" or "Wheel of Fortune."
A game sponsorship featuring premium giveaways displaying your company's name and logo is the essence of visibility and affordability.
One of the most anticipated phrases in sports is: "the first 1,000 fans through doors will receive item X courtesy of sponsor Y." The bottom line...people love free stuff!
With a Mallards game night sponsorship package, you realize the benefits of a "big time" sports sponsorship while still fitting within your budget. You leave fans with a tangible reminder of their night with the Mallards and your logo/message travels home and stays with them long after the game.
Mallards game night sponsors receive all of the following benefits:
-Exclusive sponsor logo placement on premium giveaway item
-Inclusion in Mallards advertising promoting game (TV, radio, newspaper, online)
-Listing as Mallard giveaway sponsor in game night roster and pocket schedules
-Group tickets to the game you sponsor so you and your guests get to see and enjoy the results of your investment first-hand
Among popular Mallard giveaways are pucks, bobbleheads (pictured), jerseys, posters and many more.
No team giveaway item is of greater importance to fans than the hugely convenient "quick stick" schedule. The quick stick schedule is referred to by fans again and again all season long. It is put on refrigerators, file cabinets, desks, car dashboards and, as the name implies, can just as easily be removed and re-posted somewhere else.
Quick stick schedules are a one-of-a-kind season item, fast becoming a collector favorite. Your logo or message is seen by thousands of season ticket holders, fans and collectors who are given these all-important schedules.
Your Mallards quick stick schedule sponsorship package includes:
-Logo/message [based on your design input] on all schedules
-Inclusion in Mallards advertising promoting game (TV, radio, newspaper, online)
-Mallards ticket packages
The pocket schedule is one of the most consistently popular advertising vehicles in sports! Place your company logo or full advertising panel on tens of thousands of Quad City Mallard pocket schedules.
Pocket schedules are distributed to businesses, shopping malls, schools, gas stations, restaurants and homes throughout the Quad Cities.
Collectors throughout the country contact the Mallards requesting pocket schedules for their collections.
Pocket schedules are distributed to all Mallards season ticket holders at the beginning of the season and to all fans attending games in the early months of the season. The Mallards flood the market with these handy guides to who, what, when and where.
There is simply no more frequent exposure than having your message attached to these time-honored schedules.
Available ad space includes:
-Front cover logo placement
-Back cover panel
-Single inside advertising panel
-Logo placement within the schedule itself
Nothing drives Mallards fans to your business like a good old-fashioned get together with some friends. Appearances by Mallards players and Mo Mallard attract crowds throughout the Quad Cities. This is one of the most tried and true "traffic builders" in professional sports/corporate sponsor relationships.
Expect long lines, excited fans and potential customers to show up early and stay late. Mallards fans long for the opportunity to hang out with and get autographs from their favorite players...and give the coach "advice".
Utilize mascot Mo Mallard, individual players, coach Ruskowski or a team appearance to make a big splash! Your current and future customers will mix, mingle, get autographs and talk about the experience for weeks because of your marketing ingenuity.
Appearances by individual players or Mo Mallard are perfect for company outings, birthday parties, meetings, anniversaries, open houses and more.
Whether it is close-ups for promotional purposes, photos for newspaper and/or television coverage, or the irreplaceable one-one-one contact with fans, there is no better way to put your name in front of all Mallards fans and the Quad Citites as a whole than with your logo placed directly on Mallards jerseys, helmets and pants.
A maximum of two (2) logo patches will appear on all official Mallards game jerseys and one (1) logo patch will appear on the Mallards' game pants. There is also one (1) logo sticker position available on the Mallards' game helmets.
These are ultra-visible locations and literally show up every time the Mallards are covered by local media, during team promotional opportunities and at personal appearances at schools, churches, hospitals and local businesses.
Logos appear on all uniforms, home and away, so your message of support and corporate prominence will travel with the team.
Where do you go when you need to know? At a Mallards game, the answer is the Mallards' Fan Accomodation Table.
The fan accomodation table is the first stop fans make to register for intermission and in-game contests, ask questions and find out about upcoming events and game promotions. Importantly, it is the one spot where all Mallards in-game prizes are claimed.
All that traffic translates into a of series public address announcements during every game directing fans to sign up or claim their prizes at the Fan Accomodation Table.
As sponsor of the Fan Accomodation Table, you will hear your name over and over again throughout the season and you will see your logo at the table every time you enter the i wireless Center. Repetition of your message will saturate Mallards fans as they are provided with the customer service they require.
Fan Accomodation Table sponsorship includes:
-Your logo at the Fan Accomodation Table
-Your business promoted during public address announcements
-Feature on Mallards web site
-Mallards ticket package
If you really want to grab fans' attention, there is nothing more powerful than putting your name and logo on "moving billboards." The Mallards Ice Crew is a youthful, vibrant group that draws everyone's attention while on the ice and in the stands for intermission and in-game promotions, cleaning the ice midway through each of the three periods of every game, interacting with fans throughout the i wireless Center lobby, passing out giveaways and game night roster sheets and more.
The Mallards Ice Crew sponsorship includes:
-Your logo and business name on Ice Crew uniforms
-Public address announcements identifying you as the Ice Crew sponsor
-Feature on detailing the Ice Crew's role and your sponsorship and including your logo
-Mallards ticket package
One of the most universally recognized symbols in hockey is the Zamboni making its circuit of the ice surface. The impact is even greater when fans join in the singing of the hockey anthem "I Want to Drive the Zamboni".
The i wireless Center Zambonis are on the ice for eight minutes pre-game, during both intermissions and post-game for a total of 32 minutes or exposure every night.
Your logo/message is placed directly on the Zamboni, with the possibility of customizing with more elaborate paint schemes and graphics. You can even sponsor the Zamboni child seat that enables one lucky fan to accompany the driver around the ice during intermission by offering parents the opportunity to sign up for a Zamboni ride at your place of business. Let our Zambonis create a traffic jam at your front door.